Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
First, I wish all a blessed and safe Labor day weekend! Let us be mindful to thank our Good God for the work the Holy Spirit initiates and completes in our lives. Let us also thank the Holy Angels for their efforts to protect and help us on the path toward Eternal Life. Finally, let us thank our good Lord for the work that He, in His goodness, has entrusted to us through our indi-vidual vocation and the secular work that we may do to support our families or ourselves. Work, indeed, is an essential part of our lives and is a profound blessing when understood through the eyes of Faith!
Second, we celebrate some wonderful Feasts this month. Here are just some of them:
Sept. 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sept. 12: The Holy Name of Mary
Sept. 14: The Triumph of the Holy Cross
Sept. 15: Our Lady of Sorrows
Sept. 23: St. Padre Pio
Sept. 29: Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels.
Third, I want to remind our families to turn in the Faith Formation registration enrollment forms. We are looking forward to another wonderful year for forming our youth, families and fellow parishioners in our Catholic Faith!
This Sunday, I share with you information on the Sevens Sorrows of the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother:
1. The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35): This sorrow hap-pened when Mary and Joseph presented the infant Jesus in the temple. They were met by the prophet Simeon. Simeon fore-told the destiny of Jesus and the sorrow that would pierce the Heart of Mary. 2. The Flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15): This sorrow con-cerns the command God gave to St. Joseph to take the child Jesus and His Mother, Mary, into Egypt because Herod was seeking to kill Jesus. 3. Loss of Child Jesus for three days, later found in His Father's House (Luke 2: 41-50): This happened when Jesus was 12 years old. Jesus, Mary and Joseph went to the temple to worship God and Jesus stayed behind in the Temple rather than return to Naz-areth with Mary and Joseph. Mary and Joseph anxiously looked for Jesus for three days until finding Him in the Temple. 4. Mary Meets Jesus as He Carries His Cross (Luke 23: 27-29): Mary met Jesus on His way to Calvary to be crucified. In this moment the love of Mary’s Heart met the love of Jesus’ Heart and Mary’s pain increased as she shared in the suffering of her Son. 5. Mary at the Foot of the Cross (John 19: 25-30): Mary was
not only a witness of the bitter suffering of Jesus on the Cross, but she also shared in His intense pain. 6. Jesus’ Body is Taken Down from the Cross and Given into the Arms of His Mother (Psalm 130): Mary was again pierced with pain as she received His body from the cross after He expired. 7. Mary Witnesses the Burial of the Body of Jesus (Luke 23: 50-56): Mary is present when Jesus’ disciples bury His body and her heart feels intense grief.
I have learned about a special devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows through the apparition of our Blessed Mother in Kibeho, Rwan-da. The messages of Our Lady have been approved by the Cath-olic Church. One of the visionaries, Nathalie, summarized our Blessed Mother’s desire for all to console her by praying through her Seven Sorrows:
"The Holy Virgin insisted on the need for prayer. She said that the world is bad. It is necessary to pray, to pray, to pray a lot for this world that is bad, to pray for sinners, to pray for their con-version. She insisted a lot on the need for conversion: Convert to God! Convert to God! Convert to God! While saying that peo-ple don't respect God's commands, that people have a hard heart, she also asked us to meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary and to recite it every day.
She also taught us the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. She asked us to pray it every Tuesday and Friday. She asked us to obey the Church, to love God in Truth, and to love our neighbor in humility and simplicity. She spoke of the need for mortification, a spirit of penitence and sacrifice. She also spoke of the need for suffering, to bear our sufferings every day. She said that no one enters Heaven without suffering. She also told us that acts of Charity for the poor make us beautiful flowers that God likes. She wanted a chapel to be constructed here in Kibeho, so everyone would remember her visit and pray for the Church and religious. Holy Mary spoke to us in Kinyarwanda [the language of Rwanda] with her very soft voice." (from www.marian.org)
The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is normally prayed on a special chaplet consisting of seven groups of seven beads each, but it can prayed in a regular rosary if one is able to keep track of the method of praying this Chaplet. Each group of seven begins with an ‘Our Father’ and is followed by seven ‘Hail Marys’. During each group of seven ‘Hail Marys’ one meditates on the corresponding Sorrow of Mary’s Heart. Many people begin the Chaplet with an ‘Act of Contrition’ as way of deepening one’s heart in sorrow for sin and asking that Mary may share her Purity and Love for Jesus with their soul.
Through the intercession of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Joseph,
St. Paul and St. Michael, may God bless our families and all our parishioners!
In Christ through Mary,
Fr. Kasel