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News & Events

10 years of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Church of St Paul


Thank you to our Good Lord and to the Adorers for the 10 years of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Church of St. Paul! So many answered prayers, blessings, and graces were received through approximately 4,100 hours of Adoration during these 10 years. We are looking for more Adorers! Please contact the parish office at 507-732-5324 or if you are interested in signing up to spend one hour a week with Our Lord.

2024 Catholic Services Appeal


Christ waits for you to join Him in His desert trial this Lent. The adventure is hard, and worth it. You can help others find the joy of the Gospel this Lent through your support of the Catholic Services Appeal. This appeal supports many ministries whose outreach is beyond the boundaries of individual parishes, such as prison ministry, Catholic Schools, campus and young adult ministry, Venezuelan mission, hospital chaplains, Catholic Charities of St. Paul/ Minneapolis, deaf ministry, and more.
Giving is Faith in Action. Give to the Catholic Services Appeal

9 ways you can be guilty for the sins of others


“Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them...” (CCC 1868)
1. By counsel (to give advice, one's opinion or instructions.)
2. By command (to demand, to order, such as in the military.)
3. By consent (to give permission, to approve, to agree to.)
4. By provocation (to dare.)
5. By praise or flattery (to cheer, to applaud, to commend.)
6. By concealment (to hide the action, to cover-up.)
7. By partaking (to take part, to participate.)
8. By silence (by playing dumb, by remaining quiet.)
9. By defense of the ill done (to justify, to argue in favor.)
(Note: To participate in the sins of another person means that one is just as guilty of the sin as the one who committed the sin. For example, if you encourage someone to have an abortion, you are guilty of the sin of abortion.)

Activity packets for children at St. Paul


Dear Parents: There are activity packets and books for young children to use during Holy Mass in the Church entry. If helpful, you are welcome to use them.
Be sure to take the packet along home to display and enjoy!

Andrew Dinner

September 19

Andrew Dinner: Thursday, September 19, at 6 – 8pm, at St. Joseph Hall Archdiocesan Catholic Center, 777 Forest Street St. Paul
Operation Andrew Dinner is for Catholic men, 16 and older, who are interested in the priesthood. Andrew Dinners are hosted by Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father Mark Pavlak, Vocation Di-rector. Typically, guests attend with their pastor, religious or youth minister and meet them at the Archdiocesan Catholic Center for the Andrew Dinner. RSVP deadline is Tuesday, September 17. Go to for registration and more information.

Are you growing in our Catholic Faith?


You can learn about our Catholic Faith online at any time through FORMED! You will have access to thousands of enriching Catholic movies, programs, audio, & books instantly on FORMED when you sign up through our parishes. There is no cost you! Just follow these easy steps: 1. Visit: 2. Enter your parish zip code or name (St. Michael 55963 or St. Paul 55992) 3. Grow in our Catholic Faith!

At the School of Mary


You are invited to take part in a new and unique educational opportunity offered by the Filiae Laboris Mariae!
For the first time, the Sisters will be teaching online, with semester-long classes for young women ages 11-21 on the topic: The Spiritual Life: An introduction to Prayer and the Interior Life. They will also offer one-time lectures on various topics on a monthly basis for adult men and women. Taking these classes is a great way to learn, to meet other like-minded Catholics, and to support the Sisters! For more information or to sign up, please email:

Baskets/Items for the Fall Festival Silent Auction


Calling all parishioners! We are looking for silent auction baskets and items for our silent auction fundraiser. We are in need of baskets to be donated for the Silent Auction held during the Festival this Fall. Please make up any type of “basket” that you like or any individual items, including religious items, gift certificates, gift cards, homemade items or purchased items.
Please drop off any items at the parish office.
Thank you!

Baskets/Items for the Fall Festival Silent Auction

October 4-6

Calling all parishioners! We are looking for silent auction baskets and items for our silent auction fundraiser. We are in need of baskets to be donated for the Silent Auction held during the Festival this Fall. Please make up any type of “basket” that you like or any individual items, including religious items, gift certificates, gift cards, homemade items or purchased items. Please drop off any items at the parish office. Thank you!



Do you have a prayer intention? Please contact Fr. Kasel or the parish office at 356-4280 or email


October 4-6

OCTOBER 4 & 6, 2024
Friday, October 4:
Our fabulous St. Michael Fish Fry from 4:00-7:30pm
Sunday, October 6:
Kids Games will begin at 11:45am and Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull will be on Sunday at approximately at 1pm.
Fall Mums are currently available for sale at the parish. Prices are: $20 for a solid color and $25 for a tri-color.
Food available for free-will offering.
Art & Craft Vendors on Sunday 10am-3pm (If you are inter-ested in a site for crafts you make, it is only $25 - contact the parish office at stmichaeloffice@
Silent Auction until 2pm


October 2

The next Faith Formation session will be on Wednesday, October 2, at the Church of St. Michael, Pine Island.
Topic for October: Part 2: Creation (PreK-Grade 6) & Jesus Christ (Confirmation 1 , 2, & Adults)
Below is the schedule:
6:00-6:30pm - Meal
6:35-7:25pm - Children Class/Parent & Adult Session
7:30-7:45pm - Church for Adoration At 7:30pm all students, parents and teachers gather in the Church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.
Our program is open for all of our parishioners to attend and it will benefit all ages!


October 2

The next Faith Formation session will be on Wednesday, October 2, at the Church of St. Michael, Pine Island.
Topic for October: Part 2: Creation (PreK-Grade 6) &
Jesus Christ (Confirmation 1 , 2, & Adults)
Below is the schedule:
6:00-6:30pm - Meal
6:35-7:25pm - Children Class/Parent & Adult Session
7:30-7:45pm - Church for Adoration
At 7:30pm all students, parents and teachers gather in the Church for
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.
Our program is open for all of our parishioners to attend and it will benefit
all ages!

Calling all bookworms!


Join the Catholic Authors Book Study. We rotate between spiritual books, literature, and writings of Doctors of the Church. In mid to late August, we will be starting: Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales. Pick a translation that works for you. We meet every 2 - 3 weeks, usually on Tuesdays from 7 - 8:30 pm in Rochester. Join us! See

Catholic Daughters Annual Rummage Sale

September 12-14

The Catholic Daughters will hold their annual rummage sale in Zumbrota at Church of St. Paul on Thursday, September 12 from 1-6pm, on Friday, September 13 from 9am - 5 pm and Saturday, September 14 from 9am - noon. Donations can be dropped off on Tuesday, September 10 from 9am -5pm, Wednesday September 11 from 1- 7pm, and on Thursday, September 12 from 10am – 1pm, or any time the church is open. Any donations and support of the Catholic Daughters is greatly appreciated. For questions, contact Linda Kazmierczak at 612-759-6399 or Louise Gerken at 507-206-7525.

Catholic Services Appeal 2023


Christ waits for you to join Him in His desert trial this Lent. The adventure is hard, and worth it. You can help others find the joy of the Gospel this Lent through your support of the Catholic Services Appeal. This appeal supports many ministries whose outreach is beyond the boundaries of individual parishes, such as prison ministry, Catholic Schools, campus and young adult ministry, Venezuelan mission, hospital chaplains, Catholic
Charities of St. Paul/Minneapolis, deaf ministry, and more.
Giving is Faith in Action. Give to the Catholic Services Appeal today.
“I ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift to the Catholic Services Appeal and sharing your blessings with those around you. Just as Christ’s love for us is unwavering, your generosity will demonstrate that our Giving is Faith in Action.” – Archbishop Bernard Hebda

Catholic Vacation Bible School 2024


Thank you to all who helped with teaching our Faith, teaching music, crafts and art, coordinating games, and providing or serving snacks during our 2024 Catholic Vacation Bible School! Thank you to all volunteers and everyone who helped in any way! May God reward you!

Church of St. Paul Fellowship


Dear fellow Parishioners at the Church of St. Paul: Our Fellowship after Sunday Holy Mass has gone very well, both in terms of numbers and spirit. In order to build on it, some information is needed. One Sunday per month is taken by the Knights of Columbus; one Sunday we are asking the Women’s Circles to cover. The remainder could be taken by a family(ies), a few friends, a couple, etc.
Some Sundays, the food is very elaborate, sometime it is simply donuts and coffee & milk. It is entirely up to the volunteers. Generally, about 40 people come down. However, because there are people whose diets exclude sweets or gluten, some protein would be good, such as cheese & crackers, protein bars, meat sticks, hard boiled eggs, etc. Fruit s always welcome. Also, a parishioner has volunteered to always have a gluten-free item in the freezer and another to make sure the kitchen is adequately stocked. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the back of the Church. Let us try to continue this good action in our parish. It has been a blessing for so many of us. Thank you and Thanks be to God!
From: Fr. Kasel and a few volunteers for Sunday Hospitality

Congratulations to:


William & Nicole McCoy on the baptism of their daughter, Faustina Cheryl, on August 31, 2024 at the Church of St. Michael, Pine Island.



Zachary & Leah Jansen on the baptism of their son, Thomas Joseph, on August 25, 2024 at the Church of St. Michael, Pine Island.

Couple to Couple League


Couple to Couple League is dedicated to promote and teach fertility awareness (natural family planning) to married and engaged couples for over 50 years. Fertility Science Institute is a method-neutral outreach, going beyond Catholic couples and teaches fertility awareness to all faiths, single women, and even offers programs for families. They offer the following: Natural family Planning, Sympto-Thermal Method, Taught by couples to couples, Live On-line or Onside or Self Paced. For more info, visit:

Fall Bazaar

September 15

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Mazeppa invites all to the Fall Bazaar on Sunday, September 15, from 11am to 1:30pm. There will be a Ham and Turkey Dinner ($15 each, kids under age of 5 are free), a Raffle and Country Store.

Fiat Ministries Discernment Retreat

September 27-29

Dunrovin Retreat Center, Marine on Lake St. Croix Single women aged 18-30 who are seeking to do God's will are invited to attend the retreat. Consecrated sisters from various religious communities help lead the retreat by giving talks, leading small groups, giving their testimonies, and providing a joyful witness of what it means to be a consecrated religious sister. Learn more and register at

Find Divine Favor in Repentance


Take care that you do not underrate the efficacy of repentance. Would you know the power of repentance? Would you understand this strong weapon of salvation and the might of confession? By confession Hezekiah routed a hundred and eighty-five thousand of the enemy (2 Kgs 19). That was important, but it was little compared to what shall be told. The same king’s repentance won the repeal of the sentence God had passed on him… Now if even Hezekiah could revoke God’s decree, shall not Jesus grant the remission of sins? Turn and lament, shut your door, and beg for pardon, that God may remove from you the scorching flames. For confession has the power to quench even fire; it can tame even lions…
I shall go to a different example of repentance. What think you of Nebuchadnezzar? Have you not heard from Scripture that he was bloodthirsty, fierce, with the disposition of a lion?... What punishment did he not deserve for slaying kings, for burning holy objects, for reducing people to captivity, for putting sacred vessels in the temples of idols? Did he not deserve ten thousand deaths? You have seen the enormity of his crimes… When therefore he acknowledged the Most High, and uttered words of thanksgiving to God, and repented of his past wickedness, and recognized his own weakness, in that hour God restored to him his royal dignity (cf. Dn 4). If God granted pardon and a kingdom to Nebuchadnezzar after such terrible crimes, when he had made confession, will He not grant you the remission of your sins if you repent, and the Kingdom of Heaven if you live worthily? God is merciful and quick to forgiveness, but slow to vengeance. Therefore, let no man despair of salvation. Peter, the chief and foremost of the Apostles, denied the Lord; but, moved to repentance, he wept bitterly. His weeping reveled his heartfelt repentance, and for that reason not only did he receive pardon for his denial, but retained his apostolic prerogative.
Therefore, brethren, having before you many examples of sinners who repented and were saved, be you also earnest in confessing to the Lord, that you may receive pardon for past sins, be made worthy of the Heavenly Gift, and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven with all the Saints. St. Cyril of Jerusalem (St. Cyril [+ 386], Bishop of Jerusalem, was best known for his unfailing orthodoxy in teaching the Catholic Faith.)

GET MORE INVOLVED: God Has Big Plans That Involve You!


Be a Prayer Partner: This movement is backed by the fervent intercession of thousands of Catholics across the country. When you become a Prayer Partner, you commit to spiritually supporting this movement in a variety of ways—both individual and corporate. Together, we continually call on heaven to send an even greater outpouring of grace upon our Church and open our hearts to what God is about to do. To learn more, visit

Have you invited someone to become Catholic


If you know someone who would like to become Catholic, please contact Father Kasel at Church of St Michael 507-356-4280 or Church of St Paul 507-732-5324. Let us pray for those souls God is calling to join us in our Catholic Church!

Holy Hour for Men

September 8

The next Holy Hour for Men will be held Sunday, September 8, at 6:30pm at the Church of St. Michael, Pine Island. Fr. Kasel will give a talk on Spiritual Combat. All men are invited!

Institute of Catholic Culture Lecture Series


Man is the rational animal—our defining activity is reasoning. But how much attention do we pay to our ability to reason and to come to knowledge? This course aims to deepen our understanding of our capacity to reason and to sharpen it by examining in detail some key problems in our time. Students will discover how logic can help us solve them and see the truth that lies beyond. Last day to apply is Tuesday, April 9. An orientation session will be held on April 16, and classes will begin on April 23. Note: If you are unable to attend the live classes you can still register. Lecture recordings will be available following each class. Details: Tuesdays, April 23 - September 10, 2024 Pre-Class Discussion: 7:30 PM ET, Lecture: 8:00 PM ET Instructor. Timothy Kearns, Ph.D. Registration is required. Visit: Traditional Logic: A Practicum in Classical Reasoning (

Institute of Catholic Culture Lecture Series

September 24

Let Them Be Born in Wonder: Rediscovering a Christian Vi-sion of Reality "Wonder is the beginning of knowledge, the reverent fear that beauty strikes within us." –John Senior

The corruption of the pillars of civilization, such as education and healthcare, has resulted in a disconnect from reality. How do we begin to renew a sense of wonder and appreciation of the real world around us? In this lecture, Bishop James Conley will discuss the importance of seeing the world through the integrated lens of faith and sound Christian anthropology. Details: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Pre-Class Discussion: 7:30 PM ET, Lecture: 8:00 PM ET Instructor: Most Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L. Registration is required. Visit:

Invitation to the join the Knights of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus offers a free online membership providing Information, Fellowship and Parish Service Opportunities. For online information: knights.html or see local parish Knights of Columbus members for specific information. Your talents are appreciated and needed!

Little Flowers Girls Club!


Mothers and Daughters are invited to join the Little Flowers Girls Club! Little Flowers is a national Catholic girls organization where girls ages 5-13 are taught how to live virtuous lives by emulating the lives of saints. We meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month at the Church of St. Michael in Pine Island. Girls have lessons, do crafts or learn hospitality skills, and have social time. If you think Little Flowers might be a fit for your daughter or for more information, please email
Little Flowers Girls Club - Growing Holier One Virtue at a Time!

Mums for Sale

September 7-8

Dear Parishioners.
Mums will be available for sale starting the weekend of September 7-8. Prices will be: $20 for a solid color and $25 for a tri-color mum. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser and our Fall Festival!
In Christ through Mary,
Fr. Kasel

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage


Jesus is on the Move! Blazing a Trail: The Body of Christ
Please continue to pray for the Church—the Body of Christ—and the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as Our Lord journeys to give the gift of himself in his Most Holy Body and Blood. Check back at https:// of-christ weekly to see where Jesus is going next on the longest Eucharistic procession in U.S. history!

Natural Family Planning (NFP) Classes


Natural Family Planning (NFP) Classes teach couples the Church approved methods on how to achieve or postpone pregnancy while remaining in God’s Will for the gift of sexuality. For a complete list of classes offered throughout the Archdiocese, vis-it https://www. or call 651-291-4489

Open House

September 12

Bridges of Zumbrota Assisted Living is having an Open Hose, Thursday, September 12, from 2-4pm. Tour our apartments, meet our staff, refreshments, and popcorn.

Parents, are you ready for Tax Day?


The Minnesota Catholic Conference is excited to remind you about the New Minnesota Child Tax Credit. Getting money back to our Minnesota families through this tax credit was an integral goal achieved by the Catholic Conference’s Families First Project last year. The credit encourages and supports strong families by providing a tax break to eligible families.
It’s as simple as filing a tax return, claiming the tax credit benefits, and receiving cash back.
To ensure you don’t miss out, visit where you can learn more about the child tax credit and access additional resources. Tell every parent you know to file their taxes to receive this credit. Together we will support and strengthen the families in our community.

Parish Safety


Dear Parishioners: I am in the early stages of developing a parish committee dedicated to forming a Parish Emergency Action Response Plan for Inclement Weather (Tornadoes, Storms) , Emergencies (parishioner injury or health crisis, parking lot accidents), and Security Threats (demonstrations, protests, etc). I hope to identify parishioners for input and volunteers - especially those with First Responder/Emergency, Medical, and Security training/skills.
Until a final action plan is completed and made known to you, the immediate response in case of an Emergency Event would be as follows:
Do Not Panic - Remain Calm. Listen to instructions from Father, Ushers, and/or Designated Personnel to Shelter In Place - ”Duck and Cover” under pews protecting the vulnerable as best as possible allowing Visual and Mobile Access to Designated Personnel to Assess and Mitigate any sort of Emergency Event. Assist families and parishioners around you, if possible. Evacuation instructions would also be issued by responsible Personnel according to the circumstances of the Event. Thank you for your attention to this important topic and your assistance. To provide your input and/or volunteer status, contact or email Fr. Kasel or Pat Smith at -- A proactive parish is a safer parish!

Parish Small Groups


We are gearing up for small groups this fall! More information will be available next week.

Pine Island Food Shelf


items requested for September: Cereals, Oatmeal

Pray with us– The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

September 15

Next Sunday, September 15, in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary on her Feast Day, we will pray the Rosary of the Sorrows of Mary before the Holy Mass. Please join us at 8:20am at the Church of St. Paul. We will pray the prayer found in the bulletin from September 1.

Prayer Intentions to the Holy Lan


Amy and Pat Smith are blessed to be able to go on Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and to the Holy Land and would like to bring St. Michael’s Parishioner’s prayer intentions with them. They leave next Wednesday May 31 and will visit spiritual sites including Bethlehem, Nazareth, the River Jordan, Capernaum, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Holy Sepulchre. They would like to bring any special family intentions and St. Michael’s Parish intentions with them on pilgrimage. Simply email and let them know who or what you want them to pray for: or you can send your prayer request using this form: https://instituteofcatholicculture.

Rachel’s Vineyard


If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of a child to abortion, come and experience the healing mercy of Jesus Christ on our confidential weekend retreat. For more information, contact us at, call or text 763.250.9313, or see for the schedule of upcoming retreats.

Small Groups are now meeting in our Parishes


Encounter Jesus anew. Expand our parish community, and meet new people through small groups! Check out options online and sign up at:

Southeast Deanery CCW Request


The Southeast Deanery serving the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) in each parish is hoping to revitalize the organization with your help. The Deanery needs each parish CCW or parish women’s groups to get involved. With your help, the Deanery will continue its mission to provide assistance to further the goals of each CCW with leadership, training, speakers, and more. We encourage all of you to think and pray about being part of the Deanery. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Pat Reinardy, (507)-263-3295 or Laurie Otte at (507)-663-0512.

St. Paul CCW


We are looking for volunteers to sign up for the monthly altar flowers. We are suggesting that two families or households sign up to be responsible for one month. If you are interested in donating money as a memorial to family members please contact or give donations at the parish office.

St. Paul CCW

September 10

St. Paul CCW will have their next meeting on Tuesday, September 10, with Holy Mass at 6 pm, followed by the meeting. All ladies are welcome to attend.

Standing for Life!

September 16

Join Rochester 40 Days for Life ministry to hear pro-life advocate, Brian Walker of Pro-Life Action Ministries, as he shares the importance of active participation in the pro life movement on Monday, September 16th at 6 pm at Destiny Church, 3240 40th Ave NW, We will also share details about the upcoming 40 Days for Life campaign that begins the following week. We hope you will invite a friend and join us. For more information, contact Margaret Mulligan at 40daysforliferoch@

Volunteer at Zumbrota Food Shelf


VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Do you have a few spare hours each month to lend a hand at the Zumbrota Food Shelf? You could either stock shelves or serve clients. Multiple times and days are available. Your help in feeding the hungry would be greatly appreciated. Contact Jan Horsman: 507-732-7527

Volunteers Needed for Adoration – St. Paul


Can you spend an hour with Jesus? Adoration is held at St. Paul, Zumbrota on Tuesdays from 9am-5pm. We are looking for more adorers! Please contact the parish office at 507-732-5324 or if you are interested in signing up to spend one hour a week with Our Lord.

Want to grow in our Catholic Faith?


You can learn about our Catholic Faith online at any time through FORMED! You will have access to thousands of enriching Catholic movies, programs, audio, & books instantly on FORMED when you sign up through our parishes. There is no cost for you! Just follow these easy steps:
1.Visit: 2. Enter your parish zip code or name (St. Michael 55963 or St. Paul 55992) 3. Grow in our Catholic Faith!

Weekly Rosary


You are invited to join in praying the weekly Rosary with Zumbrota Care Center residents on Mondays at 1:30 pm. We meet in the South Day Room. If you have questions, call Barb Boraas at 507-732-5877.

World Famous Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima to Visit

September 28-29

World Famous Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima to Visit the Church of St. Michael on September 28-29 The world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, traveling since 1947, will be touring the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis, Sept. 17 – 29, 2024. It will be visiting our parish of St Michael on September 28-29.
After being blessed by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, on October 13, 1947, the statue left Fatima and was flown to America to begin its tours. The bishop prayed that Our Lady’s presence would travel with it wherever she went. It was blessed again in 1952 by Pope Pius XII, who had crowned the original statue in Fatima as Queen of the World just a few years earlier. He commented, “In 1946, I crowned Our Lady of Fatima as Queen of the World and the following year, through the Pilgrim Virgin, she set forth as though to claim her dominion, and the favors she performs along the way are such that we can hardly believe what we are seeing with our eyes.” The favors granted, conversions and healings, and supernatural phenomena that periodically occurs, are too countless to name. The mission of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima is to bring the messageof Fatima—the Peace Plan from Heaven—to a world in need. Our Lord told Sister Lucia, the oldest of the three seers at Fatima, that he had entrusted the peace of the world to her Immaculate Heart.
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue has visited more than 100 countries, bringing Mary's powerful message of salvation and hope to millions. Countless favors and graces have been reported wherever the Virgin Statue has traveled.
Please watch the short video (link below) about the statue, and we hope you will come and experience the blessings of Our Lady during this special statue visitation, sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
– Our Lady’s Blue Army.

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