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Confession times for Holy Week

Monday, March 29 7:00-8:30pm St. Mary

Tuesday, March 30 6:00-7:00pm St. Paul

Wednesday, March 31 4:00-5:00pm St. Michael

Wednesday, March 31 7:00-8:30pm St. Michael

Wednesday, March 31 7:30-8:30pm Holy Trinity

Holy Thursday, April 1 4:30-5:30pm St. Paul

Holy Thursday, April 1 after the 7:30pm

Holy Mass at St. Columbkill Holy Thursday, April 1 after the 8:00pm Holy Mass at St. Michael Good Friday, April 2 5:00-6:00pm St. Michael

Good Friday, April 2 after the 7pm Liturgy of Our Lord’s Passion at St. Michael

Good Friday, April 2 after the 8pm Liturgy of Our Lord’s Passion at St. Mary



St. Paul, Zumbrota—each Tuesday of Lent at 7:00pm


St. Michael, Pine Island— Each Friday of Lent Spiritual Talk at 6:30pm & Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm

Lenten Disciplines:

Fridays of Lent—abstinence from meat.


The True Value of Fasting

“For the value of fasting consists not in abstinence from food, but in withdrawing from sinful practices; since he who limits his fasting only to an abstinence from meats, is one who especially disparages it. Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works! Is it said by what kind of works? If you see a poor man, take pity on him! If you see in enemy, be reconciled to him! If you see a friend gaining honor, envy him not! If you see a handsome woman, pass her by! For let not the mouth only fast, but also the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by being pure from rapine and avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing from running to the unlawful spectacles. Let the eyes fast, being taught never to fix themselves rudely upon handsome countenances, or to busy themselves with strange beauties. For looking is the food of the eyes, but if this be such as is unlawful or forbidden, it mars the fast; and upsets the whole safety of the soul; but if it be lawful and safe, it adorns fasting. For it would be among things the most absurd to abstain from lawful food because of the fast, but with the eyes to touch even what is forbidden. Do you not eat flesh? Feed not upon lasciviousness by means of the eyes. Let the ear fast also. The fasting of the ear consists in refusing to receive evil speakings and calumnies. „You shall not receive a false report,‟ it says. Let the mouth too fast from disgraceful speeches and railing. For what does it profit if we abstain from birds and fishes; and yet bite and devour our brethren? The evil speaker eats the flesh of his brother, and bites the body of his neighbor. Because of this Paul utters the fearful saying, „If you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another.‟(Galatians 5:15)” From Homily 3 by St. John Chrysostom

Church of St. Paul

749 South Main Street

Zumbrota, MN 55992

Parish Office: (507) 732-5324

Fax: (507) 732-5347


Church of St. Michael

451 5th Street Southwest

Pine Island, MN 55963

Parish Office: (507) 356-4280

Fax: (507) 356-2080


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