Church of St. Paul Fellowship
Dear fellow Parishioners at the Church of St. Paul: Our Fellowship after Sunday Holy Mass has gone very well, both in terms of numbers and spirit. In order to build on it, some information is needed. One Sunday per month is taken by the Knights of Columbus; one Sunday we are asking the Women’s Circles to cover. The remainder could be taken by a family(ies), a few friends, a couple, etc.
Some Sundays, the food is very elaborate, sometime it is simply donuts and coffee & milk. It is entirely up to the volunteers. Generally, about 40 people come down. However, because there are people whose diets exclude sweets or gluten, some protein would be good, such as cheese & crackers, protein bars, meat sticks, hard boiled eggs, etc. Fruit s always welcome. Also, a parishioner has volunteered to always have a gluten-free item in the freezer and another to make sure the kitchen is adequately stocked. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the back of the Church. Let us try to continue this good action in our parish. It has been a blessing for so many of us. Thank you and Thanks be to God!
From: Fr. Kasel and a few volunteers for Sunday Hospitality